These might have been the very thoughts that may have shaped the desire of the late Mr. K.K. Murthy to work passionately towards bequeathing such a memorial to a city he loved. Mr. Murthy happened to live to celebrate the memorial’s magnificent existence for a quarter of a century in 2005. The spate of articles on the web, following those celebrations, not only managed to shed light on Mr. Murthy’s dynamic personality (he was after all the first President of the Academy of Music,Bangalore; the first Managing Director of the Karnataka State Film Development Corporation (KSFDC); Chairman of the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) and amongst other things a political king-maker at the ripe old age of 32 !) but more importantly, the articles managed to mention (if not reveal) the background to the real reason that a memorial came about; a certain influence of the father K. Puttu Rao who happened to be a music lover in his own right and who happened to be a close friend of Chowdiah.
How close could such a friendship be? Who was Mr. K.Puttu Rao to Karnataka and why is there a music award instituted in his name? What was the atmosphere, then, that might have allowed for a son (or sons) not to have created an endowment in the name of their own parent but a memorial to the friend of a father long after both were gone? How many such cases would one encounter in human history?

..... a friendship that went way back even before 1939 !
K. Puttu Rao felicitating Mysore's 'Sangeeta Ratna' in 1940
(with many other 'Ratnas')
It is precisely to share such an in-depth story, that this blog was created. We believe that for any great event to transform itself worthily into a ‘cause’ there has to be an abiding reason, and that which abides sufficiently becomes a genesis; a genesis in the shape of a large 'karmic' undercurrent of indelible impressions and inspirations that drives human acts singularly into a consecration.
The genesis in this case (as the creators of this blog found out) lay in a home called "Parvathi".