“Oh Lord, without You, how can Thyagaraja sing the song of your gunas?”.. this is the burden of the wonderful Athana song Narada Gana Lola. All aesthetic endeavour is an expression of our response to the beauty of creation. Amongst all arts, music is called the highest human expression. William Shakespeare said, “To know the cause why music was ordain'd! Was it not to refresh the mind of a man after his studies or his usual pain?” In other words, music is the ultimate antidote to human difficulties or intellectual fatigue.
Here, on the other hand, Thyagaraja says that all the miseries of our existence can be sublimated into worship by singing of the Lord’s glories. And by calling Him “Narada Gana Lola”, Thyagaraja has indicated God’s musical preferences. Narada was the Lord’s most ardent and musically gifted devotee.
In many ways the Parvathi festival typified the attitude of the devotee. No commercialism. Pure music, devoutly offered by the best musicians of the era, to an eager set of rasikas in a setting created with much ardour by the family of Parvathi.
This time we are happy to offer excerpts (1 hr: 20 mins) from MDR’s 1974 concert:
Concert Details
Vocal M.D.Ramanathan
Violin M. Chandrasekharan
Mridangam Vellore Ramabhadran
Khanjira H.P Ramachar
on April 7, 1974 at Parvathi (excerpts only)
Song List
01. Rama Nipai – Kedaram – Thyagaraja *** 02. Narada Gana Lola – Athana – Thyagaraja *** 03. Janani Ninnuvina – Reeti Gowla – Subbaraya Shastri ***