A proceeding of Nov 29, 2009 in Bangalore Chowdiah Memorial Hall

"Terming the T. Chowdiah award as more a blessing than an award, Dr. Balamuralikrishna sang “Mandiramu... manamandiramu”, a Telugu song composed by himself, in honour of the renowned violinist the late Chowdiah and lover of music and architect of the T. Chowdiah Memorial Hall in the city, the late K. K. Murthy....] [Courtesy: http://www.thehindu.com/2009/11/30/stories/2009113053660400.htm]
The evening began with a Vedagosha by Pt Balu Shastry and party, followed by an invocation by Suchethan Rangaswamy. Governor HR Bharadwaj, who was the chief guest, presented a cash prize of Rs1 lakh and a miniature violin each to the two pundits.
On receiving the award, Balamuralikrishna said, "I accept this as prasadam from Mysore T Chowdaiah and KK Murthy." He even rendered Mandiramu Manamandiramu composed by him when the hall was inaugurated.
[Courtesy: http://www.dnaindia.com/bangalore/report_music-fest-climaxes_1318230]
A Proceeding of May 31, 2005 at the Chowdiah memorial Hall "in the name of the father"
[Courtesy: http://www.thehindu.com/gallery/0320/032001.htm ]
The story begins, much... much earlier, in "Parvathi" (music included)
[01-Saraguna-Todi Varnam-Balamuralikrishna; 02-Vandenishamaham-Hamsadhwani-Vasudevachar; 03-Thamralochani-Lathangi-Balamuralikrishna; 04-Emi Neramu-Shankarabharanam-Thyagaraja; 05-Nagumomu-Abheri-Thyagaraja; 06-Mere mana anat kahan sukh pave -Jaijaivanti- Hindi-Surdas; 07-Pibareramarasam- Ahir Bhairav-Sadashiva Brahmendra ; 08-Jamuna kinare-Misra Piloo-Swati Tirunal; 09-Naina bhaye-Shivaranjani-Surdas; 10-Shrithakamala-Ashtapadi-Jinjhuti-Jayadeva; 11-Thillana-Brindavana Saranga-Balamuralikrishna; 12-Pavamana-Mangalam-Thyagaraja;]